I am trying to get better and learn as much as I can about photography. As I delve in, I continue to find sites that help in this adventure. There are so many contests and challenges to take part in. Winning is not the point. The point is just getting out and shooting to see what you come up with and learning to do more with your camera. Plus, it's a blast! :o) Thanks for stopping in! I only post contest and challenge entries on this blog. Visit my photography blog for more of my photography!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes

This week's theme at i heart faces is Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes.
Instead of focusing on faces this week, you are supposed to on another body part, of course while keeping it family friendly. :o)

This picture is from one of my newborn shoots. It is one of my favorites. I just think it is so sweet. 
Look at those sweet toes. :o)

Head on over to iheartfaces.com to check out other great shots!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Fix it Friday #88

I have only participated once or twice in the iheartfaces Fix it Friday, but I decided to do it today. 
They give you a photo SOOC (straight out of camera) and you put your own editing spin on it. 

SOOC picture taken by Angie Arthur


What a beautiful girl!
I love the original photo as is. I am a naturalist, but I thought I'd have fun and do something a little different with it.
Thanks for stopping by!
Don't forget to check out other edits at iheartfaces.com.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

cell phone pic

This week's theme over at iheartfaces is cell phones. We are to post pics taken with our cell phones. 
I take pics almost daily (and sometimes hourly) on my phone. I like to send them to my husband while he's at work, so he can see what my son and I are up to, and then of course, I often like to Facebook them, too. :o)
If my husband is around when I am preparing to submit for the i<3faces challenge, I always like to get his opinion on his choice after I have narrowed down my favorites. 
This week he chose the following one. Although, I really LOVE the other one, I went ahead and went with this one. I took it this last week at my son's one year well child check-up. 
After measuring my son's head and length, the nurse gave him the tape measure to play with. She never got it back. He played and played with it. I snapped this shot because I thought he was just too cute (I know, I'm biased) standing there in just a diaper and a measuring tape. He looks like a little tailor. 
How can you not love your job as a SAHM, when you get to spend your days with this?
I find myself continually thinking about how I can't believe it's been year already...
And yes, that's my ONE year old, wearing size 5 diapers, weighing in at 30 pounds and I love every one!

Head on over and see all the other great pics taken on a cell phone at iheartfaces.com!

Sweet phone pic

I really wanted to post this pic in my iheartfaces challenge this week. 
My sweet sleeping son, cuddling with his dog, Spot. Just too sweet.... 
I took it with the Android app, Retro Camera.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


The theme this week over at iheartfaces is Red. 
Here is my entry. Check out Miss Adelaide's blog post for more pics!
Her mama had an adorable Jayhawks onesie along with a matching bow and tutu.
There's much more blue in this photo when it's in color, but I just love it with just the red showing.

Check out the other awesome photos at iheartfaces.com!