I am trying to get better and learn as much as I can about photography. As I delve in, I continue to find sites that help in this adventure. There are so many contests and challenges to take part in. Winning is not the point. The point is just getting out and shooting to see what you come up with and learning to do more with your camera. Plus, it's a blast! :o) Thanks for stopping in! I only post contest and challenge entries on this blog. Visit my photography blog for more of my photography!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Holiday card Challenge

I am entering this card I just finished into The Paper Mama's holiday card challenge.  

Check out other cards at The Paper Mama's blog!
The Paper Mama

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


This week's theme at iheartfaces is Orange. I had to post the following picture. It was one of my favorites taken on Halloween of my wonderful mother-in-law's AWESOME costume. I thought it fit wonderfully with the theme! Enjoy!

Check out other entries over at iheartfaces.com!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fall Feelings

The theme over at iheartfaces.com this week is Fall stories.

Fall is my favorite season!!


The other day I was outside of my church with my little boy and we started playing in the leaves. I grabbed our new point and shoot
camera out of the diaper bag and started shooting. The black and white one above is sweet to me, because Camden was playing with the leaves... with his toes! I thought it was so cute. He did eventually pick up a few leaves and play with his hands too (see some of the other pics), but he let his toes get in first. I just loved some of the shots I got during our playtime and am glad I got to capture Camden's first time playing in the leaves. The grin from ear to ear is so precious and probably is a result of the ear to ear grin on his mama's face, which continues to appear each time I see this shot.

It was one of the first times I had used this camera and I was really not familiar with it at all, but I was happy I had it. It was late in the evening and so I took a few without the flash and a few with it. The results were so different. The color pic in the middle on the left was taken with the flash (as was the B&W one) and the rest were taken without.

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